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Fire in Australia - let’s help together!

Australia fights with the catastrophical fires already for weeks and it can’t be controlled. Unfortunately the weather isn’t helping for fires to stop. Temperature is over 50 degrees, stormy wind and thunderstorms.

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

In New South Wales and Vicroria states is identified 200 fires. Country has invited more than 3000 reservist up to service. 

More than twenty people are deceased and the other twenty are lost. The biggest sufferers are the animals. More than 500 million animals are dead, including very rare wombats, Tasmanian devils and koalas. For the koalas the situation is extremely catastrophical. More than 8000 koalas are deceased, it makes up third of their population.

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Luckily we have a chance to help those poor animals by donating for New South Wales  firefighters brigade foundation.

You can make your donation  HERE

Please share our appeal, sharing is caring 

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